Fun and fascinating courses on hypnosis and how to be an effective hypnotist or have hypnotic experiences. Hypnosis works surprisingly well over Zoom creating the possibilities of a whole new market.
Learn the fundamental principles that drive stage hypnosis, hypnotherapy and hypnotic phenomena one on one. Learn techniques that improve confidence, health, ability and provide calm, healing and growth. Take the breakthrough course on create superbliss states, altered states and ethical hypnotic orgasms, Enchantment.
Albert Nerenberg teaches three grounding-breaking and applied courses on hypnosis one on one.
1) Fundamentals of Hypnosis
Learn the fundamental principles that make hypnosis the wide-ranging self-realization and healing modality it is.
REM State Theory, How To Create Heathy Trances, and learn the research that explains it. As featured in the TEDX Is Hypnosis Fake?
2) Practical Hypnosis
How you actually bring people or yourself into states of restorative healing, personal transformation and self-actualization. This course focuses more on the methods and techniques around creating effectives trances and healthy change. As featured in the TEDX Surprise You're Hypnotized
3) New Frontiers in Hypnosis
Altered States. Accelerated Learning. The Hypnotic Bar. Ecstatic Trance. Hypnosis has a lot of exciting frontiers. In this course we look deep into new techniques, breakthroughs and explore the incredible potential of hypnosis and trance.
4) Enchantment
People can experience incredible altered states in trance, that can be healing and even orgasmic. However, the techniques can be challenging and an ethical approach is essential. Enchantment is the "mind-blowing" and "breakthrough" course that can get you there.
Hypnosis Courses based on popular ground-breaking talks and events
Surprise! You're Hypnotized TEDXHSG

Surprise! You're Hypnotized TEDXHSG

"Is Hypnosis Fake?" Hypnotist stuns TEDX crowd