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Dream Big Start Small: Free Workshop January 14th 

Most New Year’s resolutions fail for a simple reason. People think too big. 

A realistic resolution that compounds over time is actually far more powerful than a big one that fails. And even though it may be small, it compounds with time, often into something big.  A resolution that sticks is far more effective than a big resolution that doesn't.

We’re making it easy for you by creating a free workshop Jan 14th, where we connect resolutions for change with the powers of hypnosis. At this workshop you’ll come up with some realizable, powerful resolutions and then we'll supply optional hypnosis to make them happen.

Big dreams don’t happen overnight—they are the result of small steps taken consistently and persistently. 

Your Hosts: 

Cassandra McLean


Cassandra McLean, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (CCHt) is a student of monastic master hypnotherapist Matthew Brownstein and a graduate of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy. Trauma-informed through Bessel van der Kolk's Trauma Research Foundation, Cassandra also incorporates into her hypnotherapy practice postgraduate studies in psychology and a background in clinical neurofeedback. 

Albert Nerenberg

Albert Nerenberg is an acclaimed director, TED Speaker and master hypnotist. 

Nerenberg’s TEDX presentation “Is Hypnosis Fake?” is one of the most watched demonstrations of hypnosis to date. His most recent TEDX, Surprise You're Hypnotized performed in Switzerland, demonstrated the mechanism of rapid or shock inductions. Nerenberg developed a number of original hypnotic inductions including The Float, Flicker and Movie Theater Inductions. He is the originator of Movie Therapy, and working on a series of documentaries about the breakthrough aspects of hypnosis. 

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