Enchantment: A Conscious Course on How To Create Healing Life-Changing Hypnotic Orgasms and Bliss States
What if you could bring people almost instantly to powerful bliss and orgasm states by request? What if simply using your voice you could create wonderful intense sensations that help people achieve goals, improve their skin health, their overall appearance, calm themselves and have some of the best experiences of their lives.
Although The Enchantment Technique is "game-changing" it is quite learnable, and Albert Nerenberg, Master Hypnotist, Award-winning filmmaker and the most widely viewed TEDX speaker on Hypnosis, has created a powerful live online course which takes you through the process step by step.

Why Enchantment?
Along with fellow hypnotist Dominique LaRoche, Albert Nerenberg has been shooting a documentary about sexual hypnosis for over 6 years. They've studied it, filmed it and interviewed some of the world's top experts on the phenomena, as well as researchers on sexuality and sexual ethics. Now Nerenberg has been part of a "revolutionary" preliminary study in the Czech Republic, which prove that Hypnotic Orgasms are real.
They believe the remarkable information needs to be shared with the world. The potential in sexual hypnosis is enormous but it's needs to be handled in an informed, consensual and ethical manner, thus the course Enchantment. The course not only trains you in the breakthrough techniques, it places it in context of current research and ethics.

In just a few sessions people often experience dramatic changes. Aside from the intense feel-good aspect, there are improvements in confidence, mood, libido and complexion.
Albert Nerenberg produced the most viewed TEDX talks in Hypnosis ever. He is a master Hypnotist and trainer specializing in breakthrough concepts and applications in hypnosis, including the Hypnotic Bar, where altered states are created through hypnosis without side effects,Movie Therapy and The Enchantment Method, among others.He has spoken about hypnosis at two TEDXs, WILDX, IdeaCity, Hypnothoughtslive and The Performing Hypnosis Summit. Nerenberg directed a number of award-winning documentaries including Laughology, Act and Stupidity.
Enchantment: Who is this course for?
Hypnotists looking to expand their repertoire or working in the areas of sexual dysfunction, rejuvenation and wellness.
Couples looking to deepen, explore or heal their connection with calming, creative and novel approaches.
Healers looking for new ways create bliss, healing and personal change.
Individuals looking to explore trance and trance sexuality
"An exquisite
Lourdes Starshower
Hypnotherapist, Tantra Healer
"Aside from mind-blowingly pleasure.
It also has dramatic healing potential.
Dominique LaRoche Filmmaker, Canada
"Incredible Magic"
Lillian Zeltser, Podcaster
About Me.
Enchantment: What You Receive

6 X 2 Hour Intensive Online Zoom Classes $3000 Value
Online Resources, Studies, Inductions and Scripts $500 Value
Basic Hypnosis Training $1500 Value
One on One Coaching Session with Albert Nerenberg 30 mins $300 Value
Guest Appearances Hypnotists and Explorers of Hypnotic Sexuality $600 Value
Stunning Footage from the unreleased documentary, Coming Soon $2800 Value
Certificate of Completion $300 Value
Private Facebook Group for Students
Background on the study proving Hypnotic Orgasms Are Real
Live Demonstrations of Bliss and Orgasm States $1000 Value
Learning the Arts of Consensual Sexual Hypnosis: PRICELESS

TOTAL VALUE: $10,000.00
Starts March 8th 2025
Scholarships Available
Email directly and we'll set up a time to talk.