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The Prague Experiment is a remarkable citizen science experiment being conducted along with Neuroscientist Jim Pfaus of Charles University and the Czech National Institute of Mental Health. 

In hypnotic trance, people can be safely brought to powerful orgasmic states without being touched. The states are diverse and dramatic and appear to break the rules of conventional sexuality. This may have incredible potential for the disabled, the anorgasmic and the overall improvement and understanding of sexuality. These states appear to challenge the rules of conventional sexuality, where people can arrive at orgasm in very short time period, (often less than a minute). This can done while fully clothed without making physical contact and even in conversation with the hypnotist. It’s also possible that standard hypnotic protocols could be transposed to the process, giving people some agency over their sexuality patterns, habits and desires.
But is it real?




The Prague Experiment is designed to prove or disprove scientifically whether or not hypnotic orgasms and in fact real orgasms.. By doing a series of tests with people experiencing these states, there is a definitive way to tell. 

The Prague Experiment is being led by Hypnotists Albert Nerenberg, Christine Funk, Shelley Skye and Dominique Laroche. Professor Pfaus an international expert on orgasm. The experiment will be filmed for the upcoming documentary Make Orgasms Not War featuring Funk. 

Christine Funk has set out to experience almost every form of orgasm on Earth using hypnosis. 

Albert Nerenberg is a Canadian hypnotist and award-winning filmmaker. His TEDX, is Hypnosis Fake is the most watched TEDX on hypnosis to date at over 12 million views. 

​The Experiment? 

The experiment is to determine if certain hypnotic states are real, including hypnotic bliss and hypnotic orgasms. That sounds pretty wild, but it's something people do fully clothed and under blankets if volunteers feel more comfortable. You can also have a friend with you. 
Because it at the end of our production, unfortunately it is unpaid. 

Testing requirements: The experiment require a small amount of blood being taken from your arm. Twice by a professional nurse. 
It does require that you be good at hypnosis which can be determined in advance. We may test people over Zoom in advance to save time. 
And it helps if we think you can easily achieve a hypnotic orgasm which can also be determined in advance. Everything is done with informed consent and safety.  Dates are  August 7-9 and would likely involve about 2.5 hours of your time at a location in central Prague.  

To to be a good candidate you need to be over 20 years old, in good health, and a good hypnotic subject. To volunteer. Click here: 


Is it Real?



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